
Happy Mop Inc. reserves the right for a "delivery window" of sixty to ninety days upon receipt of your order. We will always endeavor to deliver your unit(s) as soon as possible. Thanks!


If within twelve months from the date of purchase your Eco-Challenger machine proves to be defective by reason of failed parts, we will endeavor to repair or replace without charge (misuse or accidental damage excluded).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who would need an Eco-Challenger?
A. Schools and Universities, Hospitals, Health Clubs, Long Term Care Facilities, Travel Plazas, Convenience Marts, Restaurants, Parks and Recreation Departments, Theme Parks, Nursing Homes, Churches, Supermarkets, Office Buildings, Correctional Facilities, Convention Centers, Manufacturing Facilities, dirty Wheel Chairs, McMansions, Military and Federal Facilities, Cruise Ships or Naval Vessels (Marine model) and just anyone, wanting to have a clean, sanitary, fresh smelling bathroom and really clean floor.

Q. How much area can you mop before a change of filters is necessary?
A. The answer is directly proportional to how much dirt is on the floor. However as a rule of thumb: you can mop thirty patient rooms, in a hospital, the hall and the nursing station, on one set of filters for sure. Or fourteen class rooms, in an all-boy's school. The answer depends on your facility.

Q. What is the cost of a set of string-wound cartridge-filters? Do you sell them?
A.  Less than five dollars the pair. We buy our filters from McMaster-Carr (in Atlanta) in 30 ea/per case quantities. These filters are of spun Dacron. The 1 micron MC stock number is 4411K77 and the 5 micron MC stock number is 4411K74. Of course you may buy them from any number of industrial supply houses, such as the Grainger Industrial Supply, that you would chose. We've just found McMaster Carr to be very reliable.

Q. How much does an Eco-Challenger machine weigh?
A. Dry (empty of water): 59.75 lbs. Wet (3.5 gal of water): 93 lbs

Q. What is the water pressure coming from the pressure wash nozzle when used in the "steady stream" mode?
A. 140 psi

Q. How do you know which filter goes in each filter housing?
A. When the facility receives a fresh order of filters, each box is broken open by a supervisor. He will have two cans of spray-paint (red and green, provided by the customer) and will very lightly spray the tops of the cellophane wrapped filters while they are in the box. The 5 micron filters will be sprayed red and the box of 1 micron filters will be sprayed green. Then the filters will correspond to the red and green decals on the front of the aluminum shroud, on the machine.

Q. How long will the battery last before you must replace it?
A. If it is charged between shifts or overnight it can last from three to four years, just like your car battery.

Q. How long will the Eco-Challenger run on a fresh new battery?
A. Approximately four hours of continuous running although as practical matter you would never have reason to do this. The use of the unit, is a stop/go affair, regarding the mopping function or the pressure-wash function.

Q. Are there any options available with the purchase of an Eco-Challenger.
A. No. The units are sold as a complete operational package and you are ready to go. Of course the customer must furnish his/her own filters.

Q. How do I purchase an Eco-Challenger?
A. Contact us, and we will provide you with all the necessary information to purchase your very own Eco-Challenger.

Q. How do I clear the plumbing if a piece of debris (i.e. a piece of mop string) is sucked up and clogs the suction pipe?
A. The debris will always lodge itself inside the 90 deg fitting located directly above the suction standpipe. Grasp the fitting with your left hand while pushing the outside ring toward the housing and with your right hand grasp the black tubing and hold fast. Then pull the fitting away from the tubing. The black tubing will pop out. Remove the piece of debris, and push the 90 deg fitting back onto the black tubing making a very snug fit. If it is not snug you will not regain your suction.

Where to remove potential clogs from mop debris

Q. I want another copy of the Eco-Challenger operating instructions, what do I do?
A. We provide replacement PDF operating instructions for your convenience; download them here for English or here for Spanish.

Q. Is there an electrical diagram available for the Eco-Challenger?
A: Yes, you may download a PDF of the electrical diagram here.